Ozark Fire and Rescue
Dedication to Serve; Willingness to help
Ozark Fire Department
P. O. Box 1987
275 N. Union Ave.
Ozark, Alabama 36361
Station 3
Dowling Fire Station
Chancey Fire Station
For emergency call 911
Non Emergency call: 334-774-5111 or 774-5112
The Ozark Fire Department responds to an average of 1800 calls per year, ranging from the smell of smoke to fully involved structure fires, medical emergencies of all types, and motor vehicle collisions.
The firefighters working for the City of Ozark stand ready to serve both the residents and the community in any way possible. Our goal is to serve the public diligently in all ways with an emphasis on response, training, and education. The City of Ozark currently staffs 49 professional firefighters and paramedics. These personnel staff four companies and three stations located throughout the city 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Three of these four companies are Paramedic Engine companies and provide a rapid response for both fire and medical calls throughout the city. The fourth company is a Ladder Company strategically located to provide rapid response to fire calls and motor vehicle collisions. This placement of resources provides constant service for the residents, businesses, and visitors at all times.
FUEL: Use dry, seasoned wood only. DO NOT burn trash (cardboard, newspaper, etc.). DO NOT overload (particularly with manufactured fire logs). When using manufactured fire logs, follow directions from the manufacturer.
IGNITING: Double-check the damper to make certain it is open.
MAINTENANCE: Check mortar around the chimney for excessive soot buildup (do this monthly if the fireplace is used continuously, every three to six months if used periodically). For repairs, check the yellow pages under Chimney Repairs and Builders. For cleaning, check the yellow pages under Chimney Cleaning.
SCREENING: Select a proper-fitting screen or an approved glass cover to keep sparks and embers from leaving the firebox.
METAL FIREPLACES (Freestanding, cone-type "Franklin," wood-burning stoves, etc.)
INSTALLATION: Follow in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
FUEL: Use dry, seasoned wood only. DO NOT burn trash (cardboard, newspapers, etc.). Warning: DO NOT overload (when using manufactured logs, select smaller type).
MAINTENANCE: Check inside of the chimney for excessive soot buildup (do this monthly if the fireplace is used continuously, every three to six months if used periodically). Check joints in the chimney to make certain they have not slipped or pulled apart. For repairs, check your yellow pages.
Ashes To Ash Disposal
Several times during the year, fire companies from your fire district will respond to fires in garages and backyard sheds. In many of these cases, the investigator first looks for and finds a container used to store ashes as the cause of the fire. In some cases, grocery bags are used; in others, plastic buckets or plastic trash cans. Sometimes all that is left is a little puddle of plastic the size of a silver dollar under the area of heaviest damage.
These losses are NEEDLESS. Using the correct container is a surefire cure for ash disposal fires. Grocery bags will in many cases ignite just a few hours after they have been filled with ashes and stored in the garage. Cold ashes many times conceal hot embers within. These embers can smolder for days. When they come in contact with the bag, fire results.
Plastic trash containers are absolutely no good for ash removal. Even if the plastic trash can is lidded, the hot embers touch the side of the container, melt through, let in air, and when the air mixes with the melted plastic, a very hot fire quickly results.
Use a metal container with a lid!
Place your ashes in the container, lid it, and place it away from walls, papers, and other flammables. Let it sit for a week at least before you dispose of it. In many cases, hot ashes dumped on a compost heap will start a fire with the first gust of wind. Give your ashes time to cool and dispose of them safely.
LISTED APPLIANCES A metal tag on the appliance indicates whether it is listed. A listed stove has been certified by an approved testing agency as complying with nationally recognized safety standards. They must be installed according to the manufacturer's directions. We recommend the purchase of a listed appliance.
During the past several winter seasons, fire officials have noted a continued frequency of home fires caused by solid-fuel-burning appliances. In each of these fires, it has been clearly established that the cause was either from improper installation, improper use, or lack of proper maintenance. By following a few simple rules, each of these fires could have been prevented. Homeowners are urged to take the time and follow certain precautions when using solid-fuel-burning appliances in their homes.
WOOD STOVES For several years homeowners have been purchasing wood-burning appliances in record numbers to reduce rising heating costs and conserve energy. Fire officials continue to notice serious problems with regard to fire incidents caused by improper installation, use, and maintenance of appliances used to burn solid fuels in their homes. Classified under such appliances are brick fireplaces, metal fireplaces, wall-hung fireplaces, freestanding fireplaces, "Franklin-type" fireplaces and wood-burning stoves.
Christmas Tree Fire Hazards
Water That Tree!
What's a holiday party or even the traditional Christmas morning scene itself without a beautifully decorated tree? If your household, as those of more than 33 million other American homes, includes a natural tree in its festivities, take to heart the sales person's suggestion—"Keep the tree watered." That's good advice and not just to create a fragrant indoor winter wonderland atmosphere. Christmas trees account for 250 fires annually, resulting in 14 deaths, 26 injuries and more than $13.8 million in property damage. Typically shorts in electrical lights or open flames from candles, lighters or matches start tree fires. Well-watered trees are not a problem, dry and neglected trees can be.
The fall and winter seasons bring the annual need to prepare for the onset of cold weather. In making preparations, your local fire department would like to point out a few timely reminders to assure a trouble-free season.
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Fire Department Services
Fire Suppression and EMS
Fire Reports
Prefire Planning
Free Pressure Screening
Fire Station Tours
Fire Extinguisher Training
Community Education
To obtain a burn permit, call (334) 774-5111. Central Dispatch will dispatch an engine company to your location to inspect your burn site. At that time, a fire officer will issue the resident a burn permit.
Fire Prevention
In addition to our emergency response activities, the Fire Department provides several fire and prevention/education programs. In recent years several lives have been saved as a result of elementary school children having the chance to learn how to evacuate a burning structure. This is not only a classroom lecture as in years past but is also demonstrated to and experienced by each child through the use of the LITTLE PEOPLE'S FIRE SAFETY HOUSE. This portable classroom is taken to each school allowing children to see firsthand how smoke reacts inside a structure and how they should respond to help save their life. Since fires are considered to be the number one cause of death to children under the age of 15, we revised our standard fire prevention curriculum to include prevention. This new curriculum developed by NFPA and the National Child Safety Council is taught all year long in grades 1-5.
Most fires occur in the middle of the night, usually while people are asleep. Elderly residents and those living in rural households are especially at risk, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's U.S. Fire Administration.
Fire Safety Tips to Remember
Install a smoke detector on each level of your home.
Do not disable a smoke detector when it sounds off.
Know what to do when the smoke detector sounds off.
Plan a home escape route in the event of a fire. Smoke detectors are inexpensive to buy. Many brands are available in a price range from $5 to $20.
Smoke detectors can be purchased at your local hardware or home center store, and in many leading discount and department stores.
Smoke detectors should be tested at least once a month. The batteries should be replaced at least twice a year when you change your clocks.
Smoke detectors provide early warning, increasing your chances of survival and allowing additional time for the fire department to save your property.